Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

Our school is a hartbinger of change. We combine science and creativity to nurture and balance the individual aura of every student. With an eye for strengths and weaknesses, our teachers recognise the strengths of children to appreciate them and steer them gently to work on the weaknesses with the understanding that all it takes is a little effort and hard work to do it all. Stress management and a peaceful demeanour is what is intrinsic to our methods of teaching and learning. Goals are set and guidance provided to learn at individual pace.
Regular assessments and interaction with parents harness additional support to strengthen the self-esteem of one and all. It is appreciatioh and not criticism that helps the young minds to conquer their fears. In this way, the love of learning is fuelled and learning by doing brings in the confidence to excel by proceeding methodically.

Our students grow up to believe in the ideal that, ‘the best way to predict your future is to create it.

Mr. Ishwar Dutt Sharma